Friday, May 15, 2020

You might think that you're a member of society, that your purpose in a nation is to become part of it through participation, may it be through work, expression or any other means of exercising your citizenship.

But that was before the plague. Now you're just a possible risk, nothing more.

What is your worth now other than one more person who might succumb to a disease? Unless your importance has been arbitrarily decided upon based on what work you do, you're pretty much a liability. Ever since we changed the goal to total eradication of the virus we have been stripped of the things we used to do, for your safety since you cannot decide for yourself and tend to jump every cliff you see.

Why can't you be allowed to this or that, because you might get infected, that's all there is. It doesn't matter if the circumstances are favorable since you follow every metric, even if the chances of this dreaded transmission are slim anyway. There isn't even any clear idea on how the sick gets to you, but a microscopic thing like a virus does get tired at six meters or something and can't be bothered to go through a mask, just trust us on this.

There isn't even a dignity in being infected; unless you're a special case you're just another number in the graph. If you want your sickness to have meaning you have to be (1) young or (2) manage to get the virus in circumstances usually deemed safe. Outside of these, it's your fault for letting yourself get sick you heartless bastard.

If you do recover, a scenario more likely than you think, you better be too young or too old to matter. It doesn't even matter if your recovery results in more recoveries than deaths, there are still people who have the thing and more of the thing will come so no reason to celebrate yet, unless it's a cure.

And every death is a tragedy, but it's better to let every mourner cry in their own terms than to cram a camera in the room because look this guy died of mysterious disease outside of stereotype.

The main reason these outlier cases are reported is not simply newsworthiness. If you see a report of a kid dying of the disease, that would widen the scope of its victims in your mind; the trends stop to matter as this outlier tells us this thing doesn't discriminate.

Mind you, if perchance you get te virus but don't show any symptoms, somehow you're a walking risk even if you don't look any different from whenever you do get ill. All talk of asymptomatic carriers is just another form of the total disregard of your humanity by painting you as a risk even if you don't know it.

I don't want to get conspiratorial, but why is simple socializing punishable now? Is this a way to make sure that we only see each other as threats? Good luck with that, if anything, man's need for socializing will make this futile.

I started this with a want to write about how we're reduced to a possible infection, but really, are we going to let that be the norm?

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