Monday, November 21, 2022

As of writing this quick bit, I'm still not sure how long till I can chew decently. I had a molar taken out, in one of the most painful operations I've had yet.

Said molar had long lost its filling and eventually its top cracked. Dealing with a cracked tooth is one thing, but add that to the long-suffering pain said tooth has been causing me. It wasn't until a month later till I finally had this thing taken out. I have chosen to lose the tooth rather than trying to save such a heavily cracked piece of bone (it's also before a sideways wisdom tooth so keeping it isn't viable). 

Once there, though, it was a doozy. The dentist had maxed out the anesthesia but I still felt a lot of hurt, screaming all the way to make it feel less painful. Everyone in the clinic heard it; the place is small and the path from the front desk to the chair is wide open for sound waves.

Chewing is still a chore, but I'm slowly recovering, all it would take is for this void to fill nicely.