Sunday, August 11, 2024

Chapter 6

Toshiro doesn't have a lot of work ahead of him now that he's done with his preliminary research, so he only has to do a few more check and he has made enough progress to his liking. He checks the time: 2 AM, time enough for him to go to sleep somewhere, most likely home. He drives home and goes to bed.

He wakes up at around 7, and after a quick shower makes a call."Nadehiko?"
"Hey, Toshiro. So you're done with what you're doing?"
"Yes. I have finished scanning the archives at work, I think I have found a lead in who we are up against. I am calling to know how things are going on your end?"
"I found another member."
"That's great news. Since I have more time now we can meet later at the range near Amare Mall if you want."
"I'll keep you noted."


Torahiko's phone alarm rings, waking him up in his dark bunk bed. He slides open the door to a mild morning light and climbs down on his way to the showers.

"Hey, Tora, mornin'." Keizo the aforementioned artist friend greets the blonde on his way to the kitchen.
"I already made breakfast. Hideki's having a problem with his exhibit."
"Already? What kind?"
"It's weird, he says the statue at the center keeps moving on its own."
"Like on camera?"
"Not even subtle moves. He didn't tell you first?"
"No." He scrolls through the group chat. "I wasn't even mentioned."
"Maybe he forgot, you did introduce them to the friends you mentioned, and apparently your polearm, too."
"Or the problem's solved, who knows?"
"You're going to your studio later?"
"Yeah, after breakfast, after that anything goes."
"If you do drop by Hideki's tell the chat; everyone's waiting for what happens next."


Torahiko suggested that they make a group chat online since Nadehiko has one with the Spitfires, and took it upon himself to set it up. So far only three people are inside it as Nadehiko so far only talks to Toshiro through his official phone number and the latter has resisted suggestions that he create a second, more personal account. 

After a couple of matches in the morning, Nadehiko and the team return to HQ where a blonde man has been waiting.
"Hey, Torahiko." He greets. "You didn't watch us?"
"I woke up late, if I went there it would be over."
Masato pops in, "new guy?"
"Nice to meet you, Torahiko Kurogane. Teammate? You're not wearing the same uniform."
"I manage the team, also the head coach. So you also have powers... I almost expected the next guy would be naked. Any reason you're here?"
"We'll see Toshiro later," Nadehiko answers, "that would also be the first time us four would meet up. Speaking of, where's Gunpei?"
"He said he's on his way."
Masato goes back to this internet cafe duties.
"How's the studio looking?" Nadehiko asks.
"They're rearranging everything.
"How long did they say it'll take?" 
"A week. Sure feels weird not working on something. Right now I just want to do something else than spend the whole day at Keizo's doing nothing."
"Is it boring there?"
"It's nice, just too quiet for me. The only hangout's a convenience store, and there rarely anyone there at night."

"Hey," Gunpei barges in. "been waiting for me?"
"Sure we were," Torahiko stands up. "did you just wake up?"
"Very funny. So, you didn't say where we're heading, Nadehiko."
"An archery club."
"So he's done with what's he's doing?"

"Good afternoon gentlemen," Someone at the lobby greets them. "are you looking for something?"
"Toshiro Yumiya."
The receptionist checks the log. "He's inside the archery range."

Nadehiko knocks on the door and they all come in. They stand by the entrance, looking out of place among the formally-dressed and the appropriately-dressed spectators.
"Didn't expect you here." A familiar high-brow voice speaks out. 
"Yeah, we have nothing better to do today... all of us, somehow."
Toshiro notices. "New guy?"
"Nice to meet ya!" The new guy smiles. "Torahiko."
"We'll talk later, if you want to watch the gallery's over there."
"Speaking of gallery..." Nadehiko mutters as they wait by the side.


After practice, Toshiro comes to the men waiting by the wing, but only sees the blond standing by.

"They went to the toilets. Toshiro, right?"
"Yes, apologies for the delay. Pleasure to meet you."
"So you're an archer?"
"Not by profession, strictly speaking. I'm a research assistant."
"Is that what the hat's for?"
"It's for me. What's your work, then?"
"I'm a sculptor."
"Metal, I should start telling people I'm a blacksmith or something."
"Have you had exhibits?"
"Yeah, even got featured at the Metropolitan Museum!"
"I visit museums and galleries in Tokyo often, though I don't think I've seen your work yet."
"I haven't been doing exhibits lately; most of my work right now is commissions."
"I see."
"So what do you research about?"
"Japanese history, really I just look at documents all day."

"You two are getting along well already."

"How's the research going?" Nadehiko asks.
"Slow. I did all this alone, I can only read so many newspapers."
"I wanted to find more information about what we're up against, and if any incidents like this happened before. What I learned so far is that there used to be another occult group doing criminal activity like this until the leader was arrested on money laundering charges, but the remnant founded a new group to continue the legacy."
"So you're continuing after this?"
"I'm not too sure, most of the figures are out of the picture since the arrests so the new higher-ups were nobodies until then."
"The museum said we can view the artifacts."
"Is that so? Allow me to set my equipment aside before we head there." Toshiro dons his hat and carries his items. "Follow me."

At the carpark, Toshiro loads his items into his car. "The museum is probably a short walk away from here so we can go on foot. The Time Galleries in Akihabara... can you call them again, Nadehiko?"
"Yeah, I have it on my contact list, I'll give them a call now."
"Good." He shuts his car. "Let's go."
"How are you sure we can just walk there?" Gunpei asks.
"I met Nadehiko on my way back to the center, for one, so I estimate it should be close enough."
"You just don't want me sitting in your car."
"That's also a reason."
Nadehiko finishes his phone conversation. "We're good, I've gotten permission for all of us."

They arrive at the museum and take a look at the displays close to the lobby while Nadehiko talks to someone at the reception desk. He returns to the group and walk around while waiting. They seem to be the only visitors inside at the moment, the building's inside muted compared to last time he was here, the opening day of the artifact exhibit. They walk to an office at the back and after a confirmation goes with a curator to the archive room where the artifacts are kept.
"Here are the items on display at the exhibit, whose tour is still on hold until we are sure that this won't happen again."
Nadehiko has a follow-up: "The item they tried to steal isn't here."
"It's in a more secure area for safekeeping, or saferkeeping. I'll bring it here." The curator leaves.

"There's nothing else worth stealing here." Gunpei comments.
"Or so you'd think." Toshiro notes. "If it's not for their market value it's for other reasons."
"What other reasons?"
"My guess is that this group is targeting items for ritual use." He looks intently at the items, as if looking for something.
"Do you see anything like what you see on us," Nadehiko notices him, "some sort of supernatural indicator?"
"That's what I'm thinking, but I can't seem to find anything."

The curator returns with the jewel, carried by a security guard. Toshiro notices something on it that he's sure is from his special vision.
"That's one pretty piece of jade." Torahiko says.
"And big too." Gunpei nods, "The thieves went straight for this?"
"Yes," the curator answers. "they came in pretending to be visitors and snuck into the exhibit room, where they were intercepted."
"I think there's something inside it." Toshiro says, jade in hand. "Sorry, the thieves likely wanted to use this for a ritual of sorts."
"It's a single solid piece, how can you see what's inside?"
"Consider it a power; I see a figure inside that moves as if of its own volition."
"Should we take it out?" Torahiko asks.
"I don't know what kind of spirit it is, best to leave it be and let someone who knows how to exorcise deal with it." He returns the jade to its case. "I advise you keep it hidden still, and not mention it for as long as the thieves are active. I suspect that they will try to take this again when the opportunity comes. May we take pictures of the items?"

The boys spend quite a bit taking pictures, Toshiro doing some extra work noting details of the items on a notebook bought from the gift shop.
"Don't you see any spirits on the other things?" Gunpei asks holding up things for picture purposes.
"Some of these items aren't for religious purposes, for those that are I don't see anything like what I see on the jade. You're right, nothing else is worth stealing here, not even the jewel."
"Toshiro," Torahiko comes with a scroll, "what does this screen say?"
"Let's see... 100 ways to make money... oh, it's one of those things."


The four exit the museum, on the way somewhere, anywhere.
"Active, huh?" 
"Yes, they are definitely committing something as we speak."
"You said they're doing weird cult stuff," Torahiko asks, "but why?"
"For one, they do believe it, with the goal to bring Satan back up to Earth. For now they're doing these as a means to acquire what they want, as some reports indicated. 
"So what do you think are they doing right now?" Gunpei asks.
"Planning to deal with us, I assume." Nadehiko answers. "They went for us first, they know."
"Where are we going next?" Torahiko sees the mall entrance. "Here?"

The discussion continues over a quick snack inside the Amare food court.
"While we're all together, I should There's this place I want to show, for a meeting place other than our workplaces."
"What is it?"
"A bar."
"It's barely even five." Gunpei comments.
"I know the owner."
"Now we're talking."


"Nadehiko!" Koyomi greets from the bar. "I see you brought some new friends, new team?"
"Yeah, it's not all of them yet, but four heads are better than one."
"How haven't I heard of this place?" Toshiro takes a seat.
"It's only been open for about a year, since it never gets crowded here it's a great meeting place."
"Hey, if this will be the the gang's hangout," Gunpei says as he lays on a long seat, "I'm fine with that."
"Is she okay with it, though?" Torahiko asks.
"Nadehiko's a good friend of mine; he even helped out opening this bar. You can make this your meeting place if you need one."
"We'll take it, though there's still a few more people to find."
"There's enough room in this bar for eight people." Gunpei retorts. "Waaaaay more than eight people."
"That settles it then, this is our tavern." Nadehiko proclaims. "I hope the other ones won't mind."
"What are you talking about, it's a great choice."


Over at Torahiko's bed a phone rings out in the middle of the night.

"Hideki?" He sleepily answers. "Why are you calling me up at three in the morning?"
"You read the chats, right? I remembered the story you were telling about getting in a fight."
"What chats, and why me?"
"I think something weird is happening in the gallery and I think I need someone like you to do this."
"Right now?"
"Yeah, I'm just outside the gallery, downstairs."
"I'm on my way."

Zipping on his jumpsuit, Torahiko hurries out of the house, sneaking past a sleeping Keizo, and hails a cab. The streets change at this time, its lights and people taking on a different color. The gallery itself is closed but below it the eatery goes on its night shift. Torahiko arrives and meets with Hideki who has been passing the time with a bowl of noodles.

"Thanks, man, you're probably the only guy who can help."
"It's nothing, but what's going on, anyway?"


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